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    Craftsman software WorkinApp®
    Smartphone app and billing software

    What our customers say about us

    We can explain to you all the advantages of our software and they are immense and absolutely convincing.
    But even more important is what customers say that already use our systems. Make yourself a picture ...

    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Kundenmeinung-Kopfbild Meinungen
    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Kundenmeinung-Felber Meinungen

    The craftsman software with the best price-performance ratio

    On the tablet, I have the entire business operation at a glance

    On the way, I see all appointments and assignments at any time, who is doing what and what jobs have been completed. Feels good !
    I see all the services, materials and then to each order the bills in the draft. I just have to release them, then they are with the customer. A perfect system!
    The paperwork on the weekend is now over, definitly gone.

    A. Felber,

    Mission planning by craftsman software - All information is automatically available in the appointment calendar of employees on their smartphone.

    Scheduling and information about missions much easier and clearer

    The assignments of our employees are easily planned on the PC, I have all appointments with one click.
    The colleagues see exactly what to do, the previous cumbersome paperwork efforts have been reduced enormously.

    R. Härdter,

    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Kundenmeinung-Robin-Haerdter Meinungen
    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Kundenmeinung-Freiberger Meinungen

    Automatic billing of services via smartphone app and craftsperson software WorkinApp®

    The operations of our more than 120 colleagues in customer service are recorded electronically and billed automatically. Nothing is lost anymore and the hours of writing are eliminated.
    This is fantastic. Everyone loves it.

    Our employees have been reluctant to write lists and often have 5 to 10 service reports and work reports per day in customer service.
    And all that had to be handwritten recorded, written off and processed in the office. Luckily that's the past. We are happy!

    H. Freiberger,
    Leitung technischer Kundendienst

    Thought out and made perfect - the perfect crafting app for small businesses.

    This app is perfect like a Swiss Army Knife!

    You can tell for sure that it is made with craftsmen for craftsmen. Someone listened carefully and thought, before it was developed.
    This is THE solution for every business with operations outside the house, everything in it!
    And yet unbeatably cheap!
    Thank you!

    Dipl. Kaufmann,
    Ralf Bielefeld

    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Kundenmeinung-Ralf-Bielefeld Meinungen
    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Kundenmeinung-Celements Meinungen

    The perfect craftsman app for mobile use

    Previously we had to carry notes on the wet machines and write down everything.

    With WorkinApp® there are only a few clicks left ...
    That's great.

    Celements GmbH,

    That was the best decision of the last years!
    We have found the perfect artisan app

    I like to do this work on my machine, but in the past I always had to write everything down. Now it does the app for me and records my working time and the machine's working time almost all by itself.

    On the machine I have no space for the papers, I had to always hang a bag and carry. I have the phone with me, the bag and the letter writing I do not need now anymore. Everything is done in a few clicks. Thanks to the WorkinApp® team.

    H. G. Wopp

    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Kundenmeinung-Wopp Meinungen
    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Kundenmeinung-Dorosz Meinungen

    Perfect craftsman app for on the way in use, click instead of kinking ...

    Previously, I had to write down exactly what I did, as accurately as possible for every corner of a yard. My papers i had to take with me in my pockets.
    Now I type the timekeeping and in between I just take pictures. Finished !
    No more notes, that's great!

    Especially in the yards, the colleagues write reluctantly, the paper notes interfere at work. If you fold them and put them in your pocket, the colleagues in the office are annoyed by the wrinkled notes and have to rewrite them again for the documentation of the orders. Now we just click! That’s perfect.

    A. Dorosz,

      Benefit also for your business!

      More time, more income, more enjoyment of work and more time for the family!

      We tell you how to use those advantages at the most!
      Ask us here:

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