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    We set signs!

    Until now, digitization has always been seen in connection with high investments that small and medium-sized enterprises often can not afford. WorkinApp® shows that there is another way, and success gives proof that we are right with it.

    Advantage through ideas


    This thesis can be argued without a doubt: The future is digital!

    The question is not whether we digitize or not, but when, at what price and who will be within it, or else fall by the wayside. All economic experts agree on this with politics. If the economy of the European Union wants to persist in the international market, then high quality, technical lead, competitiveness and modernity are absolute prerequisites. In addition, aspects such as sustainability, ethics, handling of personal data, responsible behavior and even tax-fair behavior, and social commitment play an increasing role.

    In addition to a good and competitive product and responsibility, one of the most important prerequisites for marketability and future assured market participation is the greatest possible digitization across the entire value chain. The Federal German Ministry of Economics BMWi says:

    The increasing digitization of the entire business life is currently one of the biggest challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the craft sector. The digital transformation affects all sectors and business areas. However, in order to compete sustainably, it is important to firmly establish digitization in all business processes in the company.

    Source: http://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/DE/Artikel/Digitale-Welt/foerderprogramm-go-digital.html

    However, this is a very different task and challenge at the same time, depending on the operational requirements, because how does digitization work? What does digitization cost?

    Presumably, there is neither a single remedy, nor a single way, but a variety of ways. It is much more difficult to find the right solution for every company if you want to network machines with order management, possibly with supplier and customer systems, and automate and digitize processes. However, this is also an immense potential for improving value creation, but usually also associated with correspondingly huge investments that one has to be able to afford.

    Because in the production and networking of production processes are very individual and tailored to the machines used solutions, usually individual solutions are required, which also require a precise coordination and installation. Such systems are usually maintenance-intensive and expensive, as the manufacturer’s specialists are required. And when it comes to changes or replacement of a machine, re-adjustments are required.

    However, this is different in terms of craftsmanship, services and added values created by people. Here, more standardized applications can be used, which can probably be acquired much cheaper in the future by a large dissemination, and do not necessarily have to cause enormous costs in the introduction of digitization. Although there are only a few really professional and yet inexpensive developers of such systems, but they are there and will prevail in the market.

    We set signs!

    Until now, digitization has always been seen in connection with high investments that small and medium-sized enterprises often can not afford. WorkinApp® shows that there is another way, and success gives proof that we are right with it.

    Advantage through ideas


    Find out about WorkinApp® and the Go Digital funding program here.

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