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    Mission planning, time recording, material list and order via smartphone

    Appointments and all information about the order automatically via smartphone

    Appointment planning, orders and assignments can be obtained without a telephone or personal agreement using the time recording app on the smartphone. That saves time ! The colleagues see the deployment plan and all orders early. Appointment, location, customer, time specification, order description, work instructions and work steps, required material, comments, pictures and much more are stored in the appointment book and in the order. The employee can retrieve all information about the order in the required depth of information. Digital, no paperwork, anytime, all without investment costs !

    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Auftragsplanung Smartphone
    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Terminansicht Smartphone

    Order information via smartphone and artisan app

    The assignment at a glance, mobile, anywhere, anytime via smartphone app with just one click to all details of the assignment and for material and time recording with documentation, reporting, statistics and invoicing.

    Material consumption recording, time recording and billing almost automatically by clicking. Without cumbersome work report and timesheets, simply by smartphone and craftsmanship software. Everywhere, mobile, at any time and with one click working hours and all services are recorded. If required with detailed documentation.

    Time tracking on the go via artisan app and smartphone

    Exact time and material consumption recording with one click

    At the push of a button, the time is taken from the beginning of the respective work assignment, if necessary breaks are recorded, and at the end of the work the time keeping is stopped. Working hours at the customer are documented in detail and transmitted to the company. No timesheets anymore and no ambiguities, or later lots of hours of evaluation and copying of notes. No confusion, no wasted working hours, just start and stop ... with a click.

    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Zeitnahme-starten Smartphone
    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Listenauswahl Smartphone

    Material registration on the way without material lists and report

    Used material is already included in the order. If you need more, click on additional material in list selection, select quantity, finished.

    Colleagues working with the customer see the specified material in the order window. Nothing has to be done. If more is consumed than planned, quantity and possibly other items can be added with a few clicks. Easy to use, very user-friendly, nothing is forgotten. In seconds, everything is documented and automatically comes to billing.

    Work report per click via artisan app
    Order executed, material record is transmitted automatically, stop time recording. That's it ...

    With one click on the "done" button, the assignment via the craftsman app is confirmed as completed.

    If the job is finished, the timekeeping is stopped and the message "completed" is sent to the company. The message appears there and the order is transferred to the responsible colleague in the office for invoicing. It could not be easier.

    Handwerkersoftware-Zeiterfassung-Funktionsuebersicht Smartphone

    What is this mobile artisan app able to do?

    From mobile time tracking, quoting, billing, invoicing and payment monitoring everything is in it what the operation in craft and service really needs.

    Mobile time tracking on the move, mobile material capture, customer management, create quotes, order management, scheduling, mission planning, reporting and documentation, photo documentation, signature of the customer on smartphone or tablet, interim billing, final billing, complete billing system with payment receipt monitoring, statistics and much more.

    Everything included!

    Download here your further information material:

    WorkinApp- Informationen Powerpoint(PDF) lang

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