instead of writing a report
We used to write work reports by hand, today we have WorkinApp®

accept order
Receive information from the customer,
fill in a mask and the order is already recorded, very easy.

Define tasks
The responsible colleague defines the exact task
for the executing staff and plans the job, depending on the location, in a tour.

Schedule and assign appointment
according to the required time, the number of employees and the
arrival time, the appointments are planned and assigned to colleagues.

Create or revise offers
If the customer wishes an offer, you may generate it with the calculated time and the needed material in almost no time at all .
If an offer once again has to be adapted or revised, you just have to make the
respective change and save it again.

In this way, the employees receive their information about the work assignment
in the calendar of each employee, the appointments assigned to him are displayed simply and clearly. All relevant information including material and planned working hours are stored in the appointment.

Time taking on the way
Time taking on the way
The employee can record the arrival time.
On arrival at the place of work and start of work, he simply types the
"Start" button and the time is recorded exactly.
If he pauses, he interrupts the timekeeping with the "Pause" button.
As soon as he is finished with the job, he ends the timekeeping with the button "Stop". That's it ...
Taste „Start“ und die Zeit wird exakt erfasst.
Macht er eine Pause, unterbricht er mit der Taste „Pause“ die Zeitnahme.
Sobald er mit dem Auftrag fertig ist, beendet er mit der Taste „Stop“ die Zeitnahme. Das war´s...

Enter materials
The planned material is already in the list on the smartphone, provided by the colleague in the office. Nothing is to be done. In case of deviating amounts just cklick and change quantity. Additional material can be added from a selection list. Just click and select, finished!
No handwritten papers needed anymore ...

Job Complete
If the employee has completed the job, stopped the time, and checked the material list, he types the "done" button.
The order is then reported as completed and reported to the central office. Finished!

Performance overview and billing draft
The completed job appears in the office for the billing check .
The system prepares a draft of the bill, which is checked by the responsible colleague and supplemented if necessary.

make a bill
If for a completed order the bill draft has been checked and released, or supplemented if necessary, the system automatically creates the bill.
Everything is done so easily without cumbersome paperwork.

Since all the user-relevant information such as working time, material consumption, performance data, turnover etc. are recorded by the system, numerous statistics can be generated and evaluated in no time at all.